Monday, April 7, 2008

A Brand New China

This is amazing. Wikipedia is back online. Blogger is back on! Not sure if anyone out there is anyone still interested in keeping up with my adventures in China, but this might be incentive to start the blog up again!

Truth be told, life in Beijing, although exciting, does not provide quite the same inspiration as the alleyways of Hangzhou. Though the reckless drivers, oblivious pedestrians, and machismo bus drivers that I encounter every day during my bike ride to work do manage to provoke the occasional outburst.

So, this is one of those times when there's just so much to say that the thought of attempting to do so is a bit of a turn-off... still adjusting to the new found web freedom (thanks, WTO!) and think might go wiki-wild.

Lastly, looks like some random readers have made their way to my blog. Odd, but an honor nonetheless. Thanks!


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